Communication Consultants
Communication Consultants – or CC for short – is the Stuttgart-based Content Factory and the largest PR agency in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. As a B2B agency we focus on topics like mechanical engineering and technology, construction industry, energy and environment as well as mobility and the services sector. With the help of our specialists from editors to designers we break down technically complex issues to present them in effective purposeful campaigns and concepts for internal and external communications.
Well known customers such as ATR, Balluff, Bitzer, Bosch, Buderus, Dekra, E.G.O., Grenke, Hikoki, Jetter, Lapp, Metabo, Minol, Siemens, Storopack, Uponor and Wolff & Müller have come to rely on our work. That’s why CC as an owner managed company with around 60 employees achieved a fees revenue of more than € 4.4 million in the past fiscal year.
Facts and Figures
Year of foundation: 1997
Employees: approx. 60
Managing partners: Markus Engel, Hubert Heinz, Christine Fröhler und Alexander Praun
Stuttgart (Zentrale)
Communication Consultants GmbH
Breitwiesenstr. 17
70565 Stuttgart
T +49 711 97893-0
Communication Consultants GmbH
Lychener Str. 11
10437 Berlin
T +49 (177) 3456038
Communication Consultants Corporation
480, University Ave – Suite 1500
Toronto, ON M56 1V2, Ontario/Canada
T +1 (416) 598.7107
Range of services
Campaigning Change Processes Content Marketing Corporate Communications Crisis Communications CSR Consulting and Communications Digitale Kommunikation Events Internal Communications International PR Media Training Online and Social Media Press and Media Relations Product Communications Publications Strategy Consulting Videos and SpotsBusinessfields
Automotiveindustry Construction and Real Estate Industry Consumer Goods Crafts Energy supply Financial Services/Insurance Health and Pharmacy Investments and capital goods Logistics/Transport Media/Publishing Companies Science and Research Service Technology and IT Traffic and Transport